Love Never Fails

1 Corinthians 13:8

About Me:

Hi, my name is Andrew, I am a husband and dad to three awesome girls.  I, like some of you reading this right now, was hit out of nowhere with the news that my wife was having an affair. I had no idea our marriage was in trouble. And I found myself at the bottom of a pit of despair and hopelessness.
The pain of infidelity is VERY real and is a scary and lonely place. When I found this out I was completely devastated and had nowhere to turn for help.
I just couldn't believe this was happening to me. I struggled with the unknown: Why did this happen? Will we get a divorce? What will happen to our kids? Will I have to move out?
We were in a place where she didn't even want to be around me. She blamed me for the affair. It seemed at one time she hated me. So we tried counseling but we were getting nowhere. I tried doing things "my way". Things that made sense to me, for instance, giving her ultimatums, and blaming her and the affair partner. I would remind her on a daily basis of how wrong it was to have an affair. But that only made things worse. So I found myself in a place where reconciliation and healing seemed impossible.
That is when I turned to God to see what he said about covenant of marriage and his will for our marriage.
I discovered that God granted the decree of divorce because our hearts become hard after infidelity but I didn't want my heart to become hard towards my wife, I still loved and wanted her and the family we built.
I discovered that love never fails and by chasing God I discovered his wisdom and learned how to obey his word without giving up.
I learned who the real enemy was and how his goal is to destroy my life and my marriage. In this process, I learned alot about myself and how my core wounds caused me to neglect my wife and family.
I learned how working on healing those wounds helped me to become a better person and husband, even a better father.
God showed both of us how to rebuild the marriage we both wanted. We are now reaping the benefits of the wisdom God gave me during recovery. Now I want to help you get through the devasting effects of infidelity.

Set up a consultation:

[email protected]

My mission as a Certified Faith-Based Life Coach is to share with you the  wisdom and the tools you need to survive infidelity and rebuild your marriage

You will learn:

  • What to expect after disclosure
  • How many details are needed to move forward
  • How to help your spouse see the truth while in the affair fog
  • Building trust
  • Setting boundaries
  • Learn how to provide a safe environment for effective communication
  • How to manage triggers, and intrusive thoughts
  • How to rebuild self-esteem
  • Working through self-blame
  • Forgiveness- the gateway to a quick recovery
  • Heal from the grief of what was lost
  • Learn how to regulate emotions
  • Manage anger, bitterness, revenge, and depression
  • Learn how to heal your attachment style

Contact me To Set Up A Consultation :

[email protected]